For day nine we had a carry planned. We needed to transport 8kg of expedition material to Camp 2.
First of was the Toilettent experience. I was used to the fact that in the mountains comfort goes/leaves by the altitude meter. This sure also was the case here. Going to the toilet from now on was a challenge. We did have some kind of (old) tent but stil it was sitting on your knees and going for it. Luckily we had some views whilst doing this, so that helped.
After this, I was ready to start the climb of the day/carry up. At the end it took us 3 hours to get to Camp 2. We dropped the supplies and took some time to get used to the new altitude.
After some talking and relaxing – the weather was great – it took us 1,5 hours to get back down to Camp 1. Once there we had a little briefing concerning the days ahead and the upcoming weather.
The weather outlook gives a weather window for the 10th or 11th of February, this is three days before the actual plan (which was 13 or 14th) The forecast now states that for the planned dates the wind will be 100km/h + which is far above the max to climb (60km/h)
This gave me mixed feelings, as you can never know if you are ready in this high altitude, but on the other side I am really happy that although the weather is turning really bad, we get a chance to reach the summit. The positive feelings about this stay in my mind while I slowly fall a sleep.